

112 Uppsatser om Gulf of Mexico oil spill - Sida 1 av 8

86 Dagar 16 timmar 25 minuter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetsbevakningen kring oljeutsläppet i mexikanska golfen 2010

Purpose: When the Deepwater Horizon oilrig in the Gulf of Mexico faced disaster in late April 2010, news coverage immediately began of the disaster that would unfold. BP took the blame and its financial resources were strained as it struggled with stopping the oil leak, cleanup work as well as its PR image. While the US took many blows of the consequences to ecosystem and tourism, financial consequences swept across the world, mainly Britain, where BP had its headquarters.The event gives an excellent chance at comparing the media coverage from both the US and Britain. By studying The Daily Telegraph and The New York Times, we want to see both similarities and differences in the themes they focused on as well as seeing trends in the themes over time.Theories: The theory chapter is heavily based around the Agenda-setting theory in the media communication field.Methodology: A quantitative content analysis (QCA) of some 500 news articles in The Daily Telegraph and The New York Times from April 22 to July 15. The QCA was made to find the main theme of articles to give us data on how many articles of each theme, as well as their distribution over time.

Av egenintresse eller solidaritet? - Gulfkriget ur realistiskt och liberalistiskt perspektiv

AbstractIn this theory-testing case study I will analyze and discuss the Gulf War which took place in the Middle East in 1990-1991 and has become an important topic for discussion among IR scholars in the post-Cold War era. The events that led up to the Gulf War, as well as the war itself, will be analyzed from two different perspectives; Realism and Liberalism. Within these differing theoretical frameworks I have chosen to use elements from, on the one hand, Classical and Structural Realism, and on the other hand, Idealism and Liberal Institutionalism. Focusing on these specific schools of thought I aim to derive essential, ?key?, concepts that will then be tested against empirical fact.The overall purpose of this study is to try to logically explain, through detailed analysis, the actions of the actors involved in the Gulf War and, in addition, why this war ever occurred.

Dynamisk massbalansmodellering av fosfor i Östersjön

During the past few years a vast amount of research has been done to increase the understanding of the complex ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Modelling and simulations are important tools to increase knowledge of the system. A suitable model must be simple to use and the parameters and variables needed in the model must be easy to access.In this paper a dynamical mass-balance model, CoastMab, which is validated for smaller coastal areas, has been used to predict concentrations and transports of phosphorus in three large coastal areas - the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Gdansk and the Gulf of Riga. CoastMab uses ordinary differential equations to regulate inflow, outflow and internal flows. To reflect seasonal variations in temperature and different types of flows the model has a temporal resolution of a month.

Säkerhet till varje pris : En jämförande studie om utvecklingen av privat säkerhet från Kuwaitkriget till Irakkriget

The purpose of this essay is to examine the development of the use of private securitycontractors in Iraq. The reason is that there has been a considerable increase of the number ofprivate security firms operating in Iraq during the last couple of years. The legislation in thefield of private military and security is indistinct and my hypothesis is that the lack of nationaland/or international legislation can be connected to the increased globalization. To come toany conclusions about this I have chosen to make a comparative study between the two casesthe Gulf War and the War in Iraq which started in 2003. In this comparison, I ask thefollowing questions: 1) Are there any signs of anarchy in the field of private security duringthe Gulf War respectively the last War in Iraq? 2) In what way has the use of private securitycontractors changed from Case 1 to Case 2 ?According to my research, there were signs of anarchy in the field of private security bothduring the Gulf War and during the latest war in Iraq.

Det dokumenterade landskapet : En studie av det dokumentära landskapsfotografietsutveckling i delstaten New Mexico, USA.

Dokumentärfotografiet befinner sig i ständig utveckling. I takt med att människan blir mer rörlig ökar även dess kontakt med andra kulturer. Den här rapporten undersöker hur människor med olika kulturell bakgrund uppfattar kulturella konnotationer i dokumentärfotografier. Området studien avser att studera är delstaten New Mexico i USA. Rapporten inleder med att definiera den dokumentärfotografiska utveckling av landskapet som skett i delstaten.

Destination Mexiko i svenska resemagasin ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv

 The theme of this essay arises from problematic pictures which travel journalism can bring about foreign countries, and in this specific case Mexico. These pictures can be problematic in the way that they can carry colonial elements and form colonial discourses. The main purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the Swedish travel magazines, Vagabond, RES and Allt om resor, and how they portray places and people in the written texts and photographs. This was done with a postcolonial and discourse theoretical framework, whereas empowerment of certain pictures can lead to formation of discourses, myths and stereotypes about places and people in Mexico. The method used to reveal different aspects of the travel reports was semiotic analysis, Norman Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis and critical linguistics.

Exportledd utvecklingsstrategi : en studie av ?Export Processing Zones? i Mexico

I denna uppsats undersöker vi Export Processing Zones (EPZ) roll i ett lands ekonomiska utveckling, exemplifierat med Mexico. Fokus för uppsatsen är centrerat kring de bakåtriktade länkeffekter som förväntas uppstå som en effekt av ett EPZ-program. Fenomenet längs den mexikansk-amerikanska gränsen kan sägas ha flera orsaker, men grundas i tillgången på billig arbetskraft samt närhet till världens enskilt största konsumentmarknad. Uppsatsen visar på ett minskat FDI-inflöde, ökad sysselsättning, begränsad teknologiöverföring samt mest jobbspecifik kunskapsöverföring. Eftersom få lokala eller inhemska underleverantörer kontrakteras av EPZ-företagen minimeras länkbildningen.

Textil spillreducering inom konfektionsindustrin : en fallstudie

Examensarbetet har utförts inom ramen för forskningsprojektet Från spill till guld, som leds av forskningsinstitutet Swerea IVF. Forskningsprojektets mål är att minimera spill inom bland annat textilindustrin. Examensarbetet syftar till att identifiera och minska mängden avfall i form av spill från produktion. I examensarbetet har en fallstudie på Swegmark of Sweden AB:s fabrik Sia New Rosme gjorts och en miljövärdeflödesanalys utförts. Analysen visade att flera processer inom produktionen är kritiska när det kommer till uppkomst av spill.

Survival of the fittest?: Effekten av en varumärkeskris på konkurrerande svaga och starka varumärken inom en produktkategori

Almost every day newspapers cover companies and brands in crisis. This should worry companies as negative publicity has been shown to have a great influence on consumer perceptions on brands. In addition, brand crises have been shown to be contagious, meaning that they also affect consumers? views on other similar brands. This study aims to investigate spill-over effects of one brand crisis to another within a product category.

Spill vid vårskörd av hampa :

Hampan har på senare tid blivit allt mer intressant då den har många användningsområden både inom energiframställning och inom tillverkningsindustrin. Problemet är hur man ska skörda den på bästa sätt. Att låta den frystorka över vintern och skörda den på våren är ett mycket intressant alternativ, men vilken skördemetod man ska använda är inte självklart. Spill vid vårskörd av hampa är ett problem både med liggande gröda och smulning av det torra materialet. I detta arbetet har vi gjort ett praktiskt försök där vi tog fram en försöksplan på hur man ska mäta spillet vid skörd och sedan fick genomfört detta på Alnarps Mellangård.

Spill från rundbalspress med och utan knivar :

When harvesteing ley there is always mechanical losses from the harvest machines. During the last years the roundbalers with knives,cutting the material-are more common, This use increase the mechanical losses of material. MATERIALS AND METHODS The roundbaler which used in this test was a Krone Vario Pack 1500 Multi Cut. This roundbaler has 17 knives. The theoretical length of cut was 64 mm. During the test we stretched a rubber tarp under the balechamber and collected the materials which fell down from the balechamber.

Kan machismo likställas med manlighet i Mexico? : om staten, urbefolkningarna och kulturarvsdiskursen

Den här uppsatsen handlar om barn- och ungdomslitteratur. I bakgrunden ges en kortare historik om barnbokens historia i Sverige fram till och med år 1960. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur skolan gestaltas i barn- och ungdomsböcker från år 1955. Jag har i undersökningen valt att avgränsa mig till svenska barn- och ungdomsböcker som kom ut i tryck första gången 1955. Med hjälp tidigare forskning har jag analyserat de lästa barn- och ungdomsböckerna.

Bostadsplanering i centrala Monterrey, Mexico

Vår planet har sedan länge varit överbefolkad och fått utstå människors ständigabehov av att exploatera nya områden. Vi blir hela tiden fler och stora städer behöverständigt nya lösningar för bostäder och trafik. Men hur ska man kunna planera ettområde och ta hänsyn till naturen och dess naturliga former, för att skapa ett områdedär bostäder, trafik och natur samspelar?I denna rapport kan man följa hur ett arbete fortskridit med att planera ett område i Monterrey, Mexico. Området kommer att planeras så att det kan bidra till enförbättrad bostadssituation i staden eftersom bristen på bostäder är stor.

Störs laxens lekvandring i en kraftverkspåverkad älvsträcka? :

The upstream spawning migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at the confluence area between the power-station outlet and the bypass-channel in river Umeälven (flow 430 m3s-1) was compared in 2004 and 2005, two years with different experimental flow-regimes. In 2004 the water flow in the bypass-channel was altered during the day with increased flows during the nights while the water flow in 2005 mainly was altered between the weekdays and weekends. Salmon showed altered migratory behaviour in this confluence area, assessed with telemetry (n=116) and echo-sounding, with up- or downstream responses depending on flow-changes in both the bypass and the power station outlet. Increased turbine flow through the power-station generally attracted salmon into the tunnel outlet area while increased spill-flows facilitated salmon to enter the bypass. Echo-sounding in the confluence area showed an increased swimming activity up- and downstream due to time in the day and flow-rates through the tunnel outlet. No changes in activity could be detected due to increasing or decreasing flow through the hydro-power facility.

Förslag till modell av kemikaliespridning i mark anpassad för användning vid räddningsinsats - Kemspill Mark 4.0

After emergencies involving chemical spills it is of great importance that correct measures are taken with short notice, both for the security of people and in order to minimize future environmental consequences. The RIB-unit at the Swedish Rescue Services Agency initiated this study, the aim of which is to propose changes to the existing chemical transport calculation tool: Chemical Spill 3.4, included in RIB - Integrated Decision Support for Civil Protection, so that it can be used for decision support as well as in preventive work. A rough estimation of chemical transport in the subsurface is considered being of great importance when making decisions during emergency response operations.The proposition presented in this report is a non site specific chemical transport model which is designed to give a rough estimation of NAPL flow in homogenous isotropic soil shortly after an instantaneous release. The model can be used at two levels; both in situations without access to information on subsurface properties, and with more accuracy in situations with knowledge of the included parameters. For that reason the user can choose among predefined alternatives or assign the parameters a numeric value to increase the quality of the model output.

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